Code of Conduct

First Amendment to the BAS Bylaws

Section XIV: Code of Conduct (enacted 04/20/2015)

 BrassGears Adventurers Society Code of Conduct Policy

 1.0 The BrassGears Adventurers Society (BAS) is committed to providing a safe and welcoming atmosphere to all members and guests at our events. Following that ideal, this document is meant to supplement and provide clarification to the dually ratified by­laws, but not to supersede any provision contained within the by­laws.

 Section 2: Violations of Conduct

 2.0 The BrassGears Adventurers Society expects and requires members, associate members, and guests to maintain appropriate standards of behavior at events, meetings, and in any interaction with our members, associate members, and guests, as well as the public when acting as a representative, guest, member, agent of, or demonstrating any affiliation with BAS. Failure to comply the standards set by Section 3.1 of the BAS by­laws, and/or the clarifications detailed within Section 2 of this document will be considered grounds for disciplinary action, as outlined in Section 3.2 of the BAS by­laws, and clarified in Section 3 of this document.

 2.1 Criminal Activity

 2.1.1 Criminal Activity shall be defined as any action which violates the legal code of the physical location in which the action occurs.

 2.1.2 The report of any member, associate member, or guest in good standing will be sufficient to invoke the protocols for disciplinary action regardless of legal conviction.

 2.2 Harassment

 2.2.1 Harassment shall be deemed as any form of behavior that is unwelcome, unreciprocated, offensive and unsolicited which makes an unpleasant, humiliating or intimidating environment for the person who is the target of that behavior.

 2.2.2 No means No. If a member or guest indicates, either verbally or non­verbally for a person to stop whatever action, request, comment, gesture, or touch they are perpetrating, that person must stop the aforementioned or be considered to be harassing the member or guest.

 2.2.3 No manner of dress, action, or previous dress, action, or discussion may be considered invitation for any activity, discussion, touch, comment gesture or action that is not currently desired by the member or guest.

 2.2.4 A false accusation that is determined by the BAS Board of Directors to be deliberate and malicious in intent shall be deemed harassment. As such, it shall be subject to disciplinary action as set forth in Section 3 of the Code of Conduct.

 2.3 Event specific rules

 2.3.1 BAS reserves the right to set additional rules and requirements of conduct for any individual event it sponsors. Failure to comply with any additional rules or conduct for an event will result in disciplinary action. Failure to adhere to any rule for a venue or event at which the BAS has a presence will result in disciplinary action.

 2.4 Individuals currently under review of a violation

 2.4.1 Individuals who have been accused of a violation, and are currently under review for the aforementioned violation are to avoid contact with other individuals involved in the incident.

 2.4.2 Failure to comply with the section 2.4.1 may result in immediate removal from an event, further disciplinary actions, and maybe used as against the violator in the decisions of the quorum regarding their review.

 Section 3: Disciplinary Actions

 3.0 The BrassGears Adventurers Society endeavors to treat all members and guests fairly, but holds the safety and well-being of our membership to be paramount. Therefore disciplinary action shall be decided upon for each incident individually by a quorum of officers, and may result in any level of action, or combination of levels as outlined in Section3.1.2 of the Code of Conduct.

 3.1.1 BAS reserves the right to utilize any public record, as well as any internally collected records, as well as testimony of members and other witnesses in the determination of a violation, as well as to determine an appropriate disciplinary action.

 3.1.2 Subsections Detailing appropriate Disciplinary Actions Mediation by a duly appointed Officer or Full Member of BAS between the parties involved in the violation. A verbal or written warning may be issued by a duly appointed Officer or Full Member on behalf of the quorum. Removal from the event. Revocation of Membership Temporary ban prohibiting the violator from attending BAS events. Permanent ban prohibiting the violator from attending BAS events. Notification of law enforcement officials.

 Section 4: Responsibilities of Members

 4.0 BAS cannot compel, but does encourage members and guests to report violations of conduct, or issues regarding members and guests of BAS to the Board of Directors.

 4.1 If any member or guest sees another member or guest in distress, being coerced or prevented from voicing or actioning refusal, they are strongly encouraged to report the incident to any officer immediately. If an officer of BAS cannot be found, Law Enforcement Personnel should be contacted. In case of urgent need, contact law enforcement immediately, then contact an officer of the BAS.

 4.2 No member, associate member, or guest shall face recrimination from the BAS for reporting any act of harassment.

 4.3 The BAS Board of Directors shall be responsible for considering any and all reports with due diligence, and shall be responsible for treating any and all reports with the seriousness deserved. Furthermore, the BAS Board of Directors shall respect the rights of all parties involved.