Thank You for visiting the BrassGears Adventurers Society!

The BrassGears Adventurers Society; exploring our past, educating our present, and inspiring our future.  

Calling all stylish women and men of the Steampunk world, who crave Victorian inspired adventure and excitement!

Share your tall tales of travel and showcase your grand gadgets while dressed in style. We meet on a regular basis for teas, treks, and talks. And, of course, we are always prepared for anything else our intrepid members can organize and plan!



What is Steampunk?

We are steampunk!

BrassGears Adventurers

BrassGears Adventurers


What is Steampunk? Dictionary 101 - a genre of science fiction that typically features steam-powered machinery rather than advanced technology. In other words, everything that is technology today is run by steam in the Victorian area. Think 10,000 Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne or Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. BrassGears Adventurers Society is a non-profit Steampunk group that historically takes it roots from the Explorers Club of 1900s and the Victorian Societies that met during that time period. By learning about our past we are able to create a place that let's us explore this time period while discovering new ways to educate others in the world of Steampunk. Many members create a persona that researches history. The use of actual historical persons or characters created in the Victorian time period are for creative reasons and respect of the gifts they have given to history and literature. We are not a reenactment group and seek not to be by exploring alternate time lines, as well as outright fantasy paths from time travel to hunting monsters. The time period we wish to explore with a twist is the Victorian times of the globe. To keep this flavor, we ask that participants at certain events try to dress like that era to participate but we do not expect actual historical recreation clothes of that time. We celebrate exploring your creativity and ideas of what you think that time period should have been like. Enjoy your adventure and the most important part of all, have fun!

Our Motto!

Be daring! Seek adventure!

Be daring! Seek adventure!


Audacia, Scientia, Adventum! (Daring, Science, Adventure) What is a Society without a motto? When more than five members are together, they must recite the BrassGears Motto... and if there is a drink handy, raise their glass in salute.


The BrassGears Anthem

Official BrassGears Adventurers Society Anthem

written by Drucilla aka Jeannette Roth


With a pip-pip-ho and a cheerio We're off pursuing adventure!

You can search the land from sky to sand

But you'll not find any brave and bold as our band!

We fearless few! Ever stalwart and true!


From deepest, darkest Africa To the mountains of Bolivia

We'll pour a glass of fine chablis

And raise a toast to destiny

For only God can know our fate

We thus remain inviolate

And pledge our troth as travelers free

To the BrassGears Adventurers So-ci-e-ty!


To our queen and state doth we dedicate

Our quest for knowledge and glory!

We shall sail the sea, scale a peak or three,

And return home just in time for afternoon tea

We scoff at death!

We have minty-fresh breath!


Have Fun!

Tea Party at the Conglomeration

Tea Party at the Conglomeration

We offer many different opportunities to have fun!

“Did you have fun?”

– Snap O’Grady